Bring Me a Pumpkin Inaugural Event

Bridging this blog to an in-person experience has been some time in the making, but this past Saturday, became an actuality! I am now putting together monthly crafting events hosted by Revival Boutique & Thrift. My aim for Bring Me a Pumpkin events is to provide a space for anyone to come with no crafting skills or special materials, and to leave with something they like and can use.   

 I was not confident in this going well. My husband took a whole Sunday night to put together a flyer for me, and then the store printed off a stack of them to give out. I kept thinking I would take a half hour or so to walk around the surrounding area to post them, but never took the opportunity. I didn't know why until giving one to a friend--I was afraid people would show up.  

The last time I tried doing a craft tutorial at Revival was on a weekday morning, so I didn't ask anyone I knew to come. I brought my supplies to the store and waited to see who would join as a result of flyers on the doors and an announcement on the store's Instagram. The answer was two store managers, which was very kind of them. I was grateful for the experience, and still came in from time to time to sit and craft in the same space, which would invariably lead to interesting conversations with people passing by. I would hear about their grandma who used to make similar things, or which of my pieces they liked best, or anything going on in their life at the moment. My favorite time was when a man offered me materials from a nearby shelf to help finish something I was making. (I put it back after he left.)

This time, several friends already knew this was something I had in the works, and made it clear they wanted to be apprized of the details. Within a few days' notice, I reluctantly texted the flyer to everyone I had told at one time or other, "Yes, of course I'll let you know!" And I am truly humbled and honored to say, they are the ones who came. 

Over the four hours I was there, friends came to sit and talk, decorate some candle votive jars, and shop around. Other shoppers came by as before to talk about all the problems of the world today or how to make good candle wicks. (Answer: save your time and buy them.) It ended up being better than I could have wished for. I am looking forward to doing this again next month! 

A lot of the paper we used to decorate these jars were from books that Revival was phasing off of the floor, and I am going to be using the covers of for.... 

THE NEXT PROJECT: Making journals or sketchbooks from repurposed hard cover books 

WHEN: May 13 from 11 AM - 2 PM (Plan on at least a half hour within that time frame)

WHERE: Revival Boutique & Thrift Store

WHAT TO BRING: Paper (a pad or even a partially used notebook is great!)

I will have plenty of covers and a limited amount of paper, as well as the other supplies needed. If you can bring your own paper to fill a journal, I'll have a paper cutter there to cut it down to the right size, depending on which book cover you choose. 



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